T BROS participate at MiktoTik User Meeting - Sofia 2019

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Konstantin Ternianov (CEO) and Lyudmil Tetevenski (IT Manager) will paticipate on anual MiktoTik User Meeting, wich will take place on 4th of June - Hotel Balakan Sofia.

As leading company in designing, building and maintenance of network infrastuctures T BROS Ltd. participate in anual MikroTik User Meeting (MuM). Network products of MikroTik are main resource (switches, routers and access points), which our company implements. Operativity top level, which we gain with oprating systems RouterOS & SwOS, and very-high MikroTik rating (price/quality/capabilities) make them preffered brand not only for SOHO, but for corpotale and ISP companies as well.