Direct connection (LX) with Apple
in Blog
Hits: 3263
After an audit of network traffic, Apple requested direct local exchange with T BROS. Traffic between AS714 (Apple) and AS42295 (T BROS) was rated as "heavy" and "bi-directional" and Apple's network engineers requested 4 private IPv4 and IPv6 sessions in AMS-IX, where both companies have presence.
How this will affect the T BROS Internet mix?
Local exchange (LX) provides fast and reliable access to all services and content provided by Apple.
iCloud, iTunes, Apple Store, all mail & push service, will be dependless from T BROS Tier 1 uplink providers.
You can test connection on our looking glass page -
T BROS balanced inbound/outbound traffic, as a corporate Internet and content (hosting/co-location) provider, make us preferred peereng partner for CDN & Cloud world leaders. Full dualstack (IPv4/IPv6), as well as presence at many datacenters and IXPs, allow us multipoint connectivity, flexibility, redundancy and highest capacity, reducing latency, access time and improving our Internet mix.