TBISS member of DATA-IX

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Hits: 1473

Following its international connectivity development plan, our company become member of another Internet exchanges in Europe - DATA-IX.
The direct connection with 550 ASs, over 133K IPv4 and 46K The IPv6 prefix adds new paths to Internet traffic and provides opportunities for private sessions with content providers and companies that are not represented in Bulgaria. Much of the Internet traffic from Eastern European and Asian countries has connectivity to DATA-IX, as well as a separate mini IX in Ukraine.

How this will affect the TBISS Internet mix?

Local exchange (LX) provides fast and reliable access to all services and content provided by other DATA-IX memebers, without traffic depending on international connectivity (in this case T BROS Tier 1 up-links). Companies that have restrictive public peering policies are open to private peering sessions and traffic exchanges. For those with which we have direct connectivity or through other IXs, this is an alternative route, as well as being able to use a selective policy to deliver different content across multiple points.
You can test connection on our looking glass page - lg.tbros.net

T BROS balanced inbound/outbound traffic, as a corporate Internet and content (hosting/co-location) provider, make us preferred peereng partner for CDN & Cloud world leaders. Full dualstack (IPv4/IPv6), as well as presence at many datacenters and IXPs, allow us multipoint connectivity, flexibility, redundancy and highest capacity, reducing latency, access time and improving our Internet mix.